An important tool to research historical (and contemporary) working methods is the scale model we developed together with HOAC stage technology and Solution NV. On a scale 1 to 4 we can work with realistic (counter)weights, friction has a realistic influence and the problems with rigging and placement become apparent. The model is not a reflection of any existing theatre, but a basic composition where all possible instruments from a baroque theatre are present. This flexible set-up enables us to quickly and efficiently try out different versions of machinery and rigging.
The model is used for research, presentations and education. Right now, we are working on additional elements to be able to test historical lighting and more recent mechanical techniques as well.
- Pozornica 1 : 4, Univercity of Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99976-663-5-2
- Posters Wood and Canvas
- Posters Initiative Theatermuseum Berlin
- Een schouwtoneel op schaal – STEPP magazine #13
- scripite Houten toneelmachinerie inde 19e eeuw op schaal 1 op 4 Scriptie Rens Planckaert
The first model was built specifically for the Wood and Canvas congress in Antwerp. The second model travelled through Europe and visited, among others, the Wetenschapsdagen (Science Days) 2015 and 2016 in Jette , the STEPP contact day for schools, the research days in Stockholm and Stage Set Scenery in Berlin. You may find some impressions of the set-ups here below.
- Chris Van Goethem
- Rens Planckaert (student)
- 2013 –