Of course, the Expertise centre is not the only one working on the researching, protecting and unlocking of our theatre technical heritage. Both in and outside of Belgium, research groups, organisations, collections, museums and archives exist that focus (solely or not) on this subject.
We try to present an overview (that will per definition be incomplete) of the existing initiatives below.
Research groups
- OISTAT Research Commission
- CARP (Circus Arts Research Platform)
- Grupo de Investigación Teatro del Siglo de Oro
Heritage organisations
- Cemper, Centrum voor Muziek- en Podiumerfgoed
- Immaterieel erfgoed in Vlaanderen
- ETWIE, Expertisecentrum voor Technisch, Wetenschappelijk en Industrieel erfgoed
- Packed, Expertisecentrum Digitaal Erfgoed
- FARO, Vlaams Steunpunt voor Cultureel Erfgoed
International organisations
- Perspectiv, The Association of Historic Theatres in Europe
- NEMO Network of European Museum Organisations
- European Route of Historic Theatres
- SIBMAS, International Association of Libraries, Museums, Archives and Documentation Centres of the Performing Arts
- APAC Association of Performing Arts Collections
Theatre museums and collections
- Theatermuseum Vienna (AT)
- Initiative Theatermuseum Berlin (DE)
- Teatermuseet i Hofteatret København (DK)
- Theatre museum Helsinki (FI)
- Scenkonstmuseet Swedish Museum of Performing Arts (SE)
- Teatermuseet Malmö (SE)
- V&A Theatre & Performance collections London (UK)
Theatre technical Musea and collections
- MULUM (Liege, BE)
- Initiative Theatermuseum Berlin (DE)