The TTT project and its successor the LPT project are both Leonardo projects on competences in technical theatre.
A group of experts from Finland, Sweden, UK, Italy and Belgium developed a method to map competencies in a language, culture and environment independent way. They described a large part of the skills and competences that technicians have to master in the workplace.
In addition, they developed various tools such as a digital portfolio and a training analysis.
The Expertise Centre for Technical Theatre participated as an observing partner in these projects. The summary of the methodology and the elaborated competence units can be downloaded below.
- Methodiek pdf, NL
- Competentie-units pdf, NL
- Intro and units pdf, EN
- Competentievergelijking voor de podiumtechniek in Europa pdf, NL
(Onderwijsvernieuwing: een continu proces, 2008, Vubpres, ISBN 978 90 5487 488 1)
Project website
- Chris van Goethem
- 2005 – 2007 (TTT)
- 2007 – 2009 (LPT)
- Ammattikorkeakoulu Stadia, Helsinki, FI
- Dramatiska Institutet Stockholm, SE
- Skillscene, UK
- Academia Teatro alla Scala, Milaan, IT
- Teatteri- ja Mediatyöntekijät ry TeMe, Theatre and Media Employees in Finland, FI
- Syndicat des Directeurs de Théâtres Privés – SNDTP, FR
- Teaterforbundet, The Swedish Union for Theatre, Artists and Media, SE
PEARLE* - EURO-MEI, European region of the global UNI-MEI (the Media, entertainment and arts sector of Union network international).
With support of
Leonardo & Life Long Learning programs