The LiViDat project (Live Video en Data projectie) is an EhB-PWO project that analyzed the use of video and data projection in the performing arts and developed a lesson pack adapted to the current state of both the technological and the artistic developments.
The use of video and data projection within the performing arts is gaining importance. The continuously developing technology and technique of video and data projection are applied both as an element of scenography, as a light source and/or as an (inter)active element (actor) within the performance context. The use in scenography is mostly limited to the replacing of conventional projection techniques. In this case, an image – moving or not – is projected as (part of) the scenery. The space within which actors are set is defined by this image. The growing performance quality of existing and future data and video projection equipment facilitates an efficient use of light sources as a replacement of conventional light sources. In that sense, the image (the light source) can be adapted to the playing and positions on the playing field.
To be able to optimally integrate images into a theatre environment we need actual interaction. An image tat is adapted to the performance and playing field proves itself an acting video and data image (actor). To achieve the acting and interacting video and data image, the stage technician needs to have the possibility to manipulate all parameters of the image. The stage technician transforms into a technically mediated actor.
Within the diversified sector of the performing arts, the gathered know-how is rather fragmented and based on the needs of concrete productions and projects. Within the professional bachelor program for technical theatre not enough structural, pedagogical attention is going to the enriching use and manipulation of video and data projection at this time. This despite the fact that the conscious use of divers audiovisual tools are integrally part of the profession family of the performing arts, as described in the profession profile (SERV beroepenprofiel podiumtechnieken). LIVIDAT wants to formulate a pedagogical answer to an existing artistic-technical question and issue.
- bewegend beeld Proscenium 56 (pdf, NL)
- Chris Van Goethem
- Rob Van Ertvelde
- 2005 – 2008
With the support of
- PWO middelen Erasmushogeschool Brussel