“It’s an art, it’s a craft, it’s a business” is a quote that perfectly shows that art without craftsmanship and entrepreneurship has a very low chance of surviving professionally in the performing arts sector.
The Expertise Centre for Technical Theatre sees the technician first and foremost as a fellow actor of the artist on stage. The technician is an actor with a technical medium. He or she uses light, sound, image and movement as actors use their voice and body.
Performing arts without the technical aspects to create an environment in which the actor, dancer, musician, performer, circus artist,… can move, is hard to imagine. To master the craftsmanship and to research new means and methods is essential to maintain this craft.
Theatre technicians are “entrepreneurs” by definition. An enterprising mindset is essential for the success of a production, after all. But the classic definition of entrepreneurship is not applicable in an artistic context, since the goal of an artistic enterprise is different from the goal of a purely commercial enterprise.
The Expertise Centre researches how art, entrepreneurship and technique relate to each other. The Projects in this theme start from the three points of view, but always keep the bigger picture in mind.